terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2009

Um alerta para todos que utilizam a internet!!!!

This "Kent Karl"* is a Crook, a Thief, a Grifter with Many Faces
Above is our best guess of the real crook's appearance. It was taken from a computer monitor with cell phone camera after his plaintive apology for scamming her and after her money was gone.
He shows himself as many faces in his many online listings, both as a man and a women. If you've heard of the Nigerian Banking scam, "Kent Karl" is one step ahead. He uses the internet dating scene to charm and seduce his victims. Here's his online presence, one of his love letters, and one of his example scripts. He entraps his victims with sweet talk, then steals their money and leaves when they run out of money or catch on to his scam.  He is very, very good at his crime. He is not a consultant or dealer in antiques or gold - only a thief of your money, antiques and gold.  Help us put him in jail! Here are the phone numbers he uses to pretend that he is on a buying trip:
011 447 045790566,  011 447 045795326,  or  011 447 045734261 (London, UK)
He has also called from  802 337 4109  (Vermont area code)
His e-mail address is (was?): kentkarlmalibu@aol.com but he has also used kkarl99@yahoo.com, malibu_gentlekent@yahoo.com, gold_malibu@yahoo.com. He also uses kentkarl1 on skype.com.
He claims to be Kent Henri Karl, born in  Paris, France on April 14, 1963 (Aries sign) while his yahoo profile says he is a Taurus. He supposedly grew up in Edinburgh, UK. He claims to be 6'3". He has a strange accent that he describes as French  and York. It probably is Nigerian. He has, not a very good, but fair English grammar. He likes to say "BRB" (be right back) or "hhhhmmm" when online, as a way to divert a topic or as a sign that his attention is most probably divided between different (online scamming?) tasks at the moment.  He uses these other names, supposedly associates, in his scamming:  Sir (Val) Valentino, Alex Edward, Alvin Gate, Robert Scott. Like everything else, these are likely false names. 
When finally confronted, he swore he would pay me back, because I was so nice. He also confessed that all of the supposed trips (here's a counterfeited British Airways receipt) were faked along with customs declarations and bills of lading (here's a fake he made "from" DHL for gold bars.  He is very good at what he does - scamming the unsuspecting. Here are some of his online listings from linkedlin.com, bebo.com and evergreenspace.com. There is also a "woman," PEACHES52FUN,on loveandseek.com with a nearly identical profile.  Another "man," TLC, on myspace.com has a very similar profile. Are they accomplices or plagiarists or victims; who knows? Here's an old article (2005) from msnbc with the same story as ours and here's a long Wikipedia Article on variants of the scam. As you can probably see, "Kent Karl" is not one crook, he is a whole gang of crooks.
If you have/had contact with him, contact us and we will tell your story, without any personal information to link back to you. We will not release your personal information. Create a new e-mail address if you want. This parasite is a professional and a very good one, who needs to be stopped and stopped permanently. We don't want your money, just your help to stop his crimes against other people. Please help us.
Please Contact Us at:  delfonsoangie@aol.com.
* With the most sincere apologies to you other poor guys with the same name - zabasearch.com shows two of you. Kent Karl is probably not his real name, but it's the one we know of. If you have any other info on him, please contact us. He's using your name! You will end up on the no-fly-list or with warrants, if we don't stop him.

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